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Your Coaching: More "Ministry" Than You Realize


What if your greatest calling to ministry is COACHING? 


I know people who ask themselves…”Am I called to ministry?” (As if some are called and most are not. … “Am I?” 


A few years ago, an influential pastor asked me, “Do you miss being in ministry?”


 I was taken aback. Did he know what I did during the day?


Just because I was no longer paid by a church, did he not realize that I was 100% still in “ministry?”


“Actually,” I told him, “Ever since becoming a coach, I feel like I’m finally doing the ministry God meant for me.” 


Still - it’s OK. I get it. Most will see “ministry” as traditional—Sunday service, Bible studies, missionary work. 


But ministry in Scripture is simply about serving others to fulfill God’s purpose..


The word "ministry" originates from the Latin ministerium, meaning "service" or "duty," derived from minister, meaning "servant" or "attendant."


Isn’t that what the best coaches actually do?? 


Coaching meets people in their need for hope, clarity, and direction—showing them who God created them to be. 


That’s powerful ministry!


STILL… Too many coaches feel guilty getting paid to coach as if getting paid by clients means you're not doing “God’s work." Money must make it, well, that must make it less “spiritual.” 


Well… that would make the work of anyone getting paid for their work not valuable then, right? 


The Bible talks a bunch about money and getting paid! “The laborer is worthy of their hire” (Luke 10:7). 


When you coach with purpose, you’re making a real Kingdom impact that ministers to a group of people that can transform them - spiritually- emotionally - relationally - financially - vocationally..


How is coaching impactful ministry?


  • You’re Offering Hope in Real-Time: Right in their struggle, you’re equipping them with tools, perspective, and clarity.

  • Guiding People to Transformation: Your work changes lives, impacting families, communities, and legacies.

  • Helping People Invest in Their Kingdom Purpose: When they invest in coaching, they’re stepping into a deeper understanding of their purpose and calling…. Their God-given potential! 


When you coach whether for free or for millions of dollars (I do know coaches who get paid that!), you’re honoring the Kingdom impact—and people engage wholeheartedly in the transformation process.


Proverbs 11:25 says, 


"Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” 


Coaching is ministry, and it’s needed now more than ever.


Ready to make your coaching more impactful than ever?


Join me to make your coaching a meaningful, transformative ministry!


If that fits you - just reply "Let's go!" : )


With you and for you, 



PS. If you’ve never taken the free assessment: "Is Coaching for me?: LINK TO TAKE IT.  About 3 minutes or less!

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